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Cox Flexion Distraction

Cox® Technic is non-surgical, doctor-controlled, hands-on spinal manipulation performed by a chiropractic back pain specialist with the patient lying on The Cox® Table, the Cox proprietary, specially designed chiropractic instrument. This table permits the effective administration of flexion-distraction and spinal decompression adjustment and manipulation.

Well-researched and documented, flexion-distraction and decompression helps relieve spinal pain and return patients to their desired quality of life by …

  • dropping intradiscal pressure to as low as -192mm Hg in the lumbar spine and lowering pressures in the cervical spine (C4-C7) 96 to 1583 mm Hg
  • widening the spinal canal foraminal area by 28%
  • reducing pressure on the spinal nerves
  • returning motion to the spinal joints
The goal of Cox® Technic is to help the spinal pain patient go from "pain" to "no pain" as quickly as possible following the "rule of 50%" which governs the Cox® Technic System of Spinal Pain Management.

Evidence-based Cox® Technic is appropriate for conditions causing low back and leg pain as well as neck and arm pain. It also reduces pain attributable to …
  • disc herniation
  • a slipped disc
  • a ruptured disc
  • facet syndrome
  • stenosis
  • spondylolisthesis
  • post-surgical continued pain (pain after back surgery) aka FBSS (failed back surgical syndrome)
  • other conditions